Terminal Optimism

Terminal Optimism

Updates for February
Danielle Knutson • February 10, 2024

Scan Update and more!

My scans at the beginning of January came back stable. Stable means no growth, which is fantastic. However, after my scans in 2023 I was hoping for some continued decrease in size and was a little disappointed. The scans also found a spot in the bone of my t11 spine which is, most likely, cancer. This spot was not mentioned before but apparently it had been there in the last scans. It has not grown or shrunk but hopefully the chemo will get to it! Overall, good results. I have at least 30 less tumors than I did two years ago. Which is a huge blessing.

I have continued with my radiation retinopathy treatment with shots and laser treatments in both eyes. I am hoping to finish that in the next month or two. At the risk of oversharing, the chemotherapy has also pushed me into early menopause. The risk of this is why I had my eggs harvested and frozen before starting chemotherapy. It sounds like when you are pushed into menopause by chemotherapy, the process goes much more quickly. Hopefully it will not last more than 6 months or so.

Loved ones, get ready for some mood swings!

It is not too surprising but it is another opportunity for some discomfort so bear with me. 

I will keep you updated! 

Happy Valentine's Day!

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