Prior to chemo, my wisdom teeth were growing in straight and had no infection. After chemo, all four were infected and two had moved and become impacted. This article helps break down all the different ways people can experience dental or oral complications during chemo and radiation. In my case, my gums became softer (which feels super weird btw) and so my teeth began to move. My wisdom teeth fell backwards and started growing towards my jaw. My teeth started to hurt right as my appetite was coming back from my last chemo infusion so I was frustrated that I was unable to eat. I was also nervous the infection would delay starting radiation. Luckily, I was able to start radiation just two days late and was able to get my wisdom teeth out fairly quickly.
The tooth pain on top of chemo pain on top of starting radiation was all too much for me for a while so I took a break from the blog. I have had a lot of people reach out to me asking for suggestions or advice during treatment so my next post will be about things I wish I knew before starting treatment. Transitioning from chemo to radiation was a relief because radiation did not get me quite as sick as chemotherapy. My wisdom teeth took longer than normal to start to heal because my immune system is compromised. Now I am finally getting all healed up and hopefully will be cancer free!
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