Terminal Optimism

Terminal Optimism

Changing Hospitals
Danielle Knutson • July 14, 2022

Met with Stanford for a second opinion

After a lot of disappointment in the communication, coordination and care at Kaiser, Andrew and I made the decision to switch to Stanford hospital for treatment as soon as possible. We met with an oncologist at Stanford for a full second opinion for treatment and to figure out the best method to switch insurance and hospitals.

As of the end of July we should transition from Kaiser and be at Stanford starting August 1.

Tomorrow I start my next round of treatment which is chemotherapy. I will be starting on Gemcitabine and Carboplatin.  Since I lost about 17 pounds during whole brain radiation, my team and I are working to be proactive to treat nausea and maintain my weight. Andrew, the best support ever, is cooking for me full time and meal planning a specific cancer/keto diet. We have been working with a great dietician who has helped us cater my diet to attack my specific cancer.

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